'Step Plan' to Increase Confidence

1. Begin a journal

Ask yourself what is making you feel like you cannot get to the point in life you want to reach. Write any thoughts that come to mine. Also, write down what self-confidence means to you.

2. Remember the past is over; you can only change the future

Write down 10 positive things about yourself. Go through your journal and look at all the positive things about yourself. Concentrate on your strengths. These are the reasons you should love yourself and have high self-esteem and self-confidence in yourself. Give yourself credit for everything positive you have written about yourself. Remember, you are somebody special.

3. Accept yourself and learn to love yourself for whom you are a person

Everyone has his or her own unique qualities and characteristics. We are all born differently for a reason. Do not compare yourself to others.

4. Understand yourself mentally, physically and spiritually

Take some time to relax by yourself in a quiet room... Rest on your back with head and neck comfortably supported.

5. Be ready

Self-confidence comes a lot easier to the person who is sure their ready.

6. Strengthen your inner self

Write down in your journal what you will be able to do once you acquire the confidence you need.

7. Begin changing what you do not like about yourself

Confidence comes from within. You need to concentrate on the positive things about yourself.

8. Notice the change in our self-esteem and self-confidence

Reward yourself each time you do something that makes you feel proud...go out some place or take it easy for the day.

9. Learn how to give and take

Confidence is being able to find a balance between giving help to people and excepting when we need help.

10. Have a tremendous amount of pride in yourself

Remember, you are number one!